The Hemophilia Foundation of Northern California (HFNC) serves families with life-threatening bleeding disorders, factor deficiencies, and rare clotting conditions. Learn more and get involved.
Mi viaje a Jivi | Educación y cena con Bayer y HFNC / My Journey to Jivi | Education & Dinner with Bayer & HFNC
Disfrute de la cena y la educación con HFNC y Bayer mientras escuchamos al paciente Juan Pablo López-Padilla, "Mi viaje a Jivi". En Espanol. Es necesario estar inscrito para asistir. Le agradecemos su comprensión.
Enjoy Dinner and Education with HFNC & Bayer as we hear from Patient Speaker Juan Pablo Lopez-Padilla, "My Journey to Jivi". In Spanish. Must be registered to attend. We thank you for your understanding.