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FED 2020


“I learned a long time ago the wisest thing I can do is be on my own side, be an advocate for myself and others like me.”- Maya Angelou.

To attend a session or exhibit booth simply click the session description or company logo to enter the zoom for that session/booth.  Example: Want to visit the Takeda Booth?  Click the Takeda logo under exhibit booths and that will lead you to Takeda's Zoom Booth.  

Need help? Call 510-658-3324.  

9:00am - 10:00am | Exhibit Booths Are Open (bottom of the page)

10:15am - 11:00am | Opening Session: HFNC Welcome & Keynote Speakers

 11:15am - 12:00pm | Breakout Sessions:
Sharing Your Story, Compartiendo Tu Historia, Cognitive Conversations, Self Care for Bleeding Disorders, Communicating with Providers

12:15pm - 2:00pm | Exhibit Booths Are Open (bottom of the page)

12:15pm - 1:00pm | Community Get Togethers: New Parents Group, La Comunidad Se Reúne

1:15pm - 2:00pm | Community Get Togethers: Men's Group, The Female Factor

2:15pm - 3:00pm | Closing Session:
Kids' Costume Parade, Volunteer Awards, Drawing!

Don't miss your chance to win one of 5 Amazon, Walmart, or Target gift cards (winner's choice) worth $100.  After you attend the sessions and visit the booths fill out the survey at the bottom of the page to enter the drawing.  The winner will be chosen during the closing session at 2:15pm Pacific. 

For each booth you will need to enter the code for that booth.  The code will be 1 letter and 1 number (example: J7).  The person in the booth will tell you the code for their booth.  YOU MUST ATTEND ALL BOOTHS TO BE ENTERED INTO THE DRAWING

Opening Session

Breakout Sessions

Community Get Togethers

Closing Session

Exhibit Booths


We are giving away 5 gift cards to Amazon, Walmart, or Target (winner's choice) worth $100!  How do you enter? Attend the sessions and visit the booths.  Then fill out the survey and your name will be placed in the drawing for the gift cards. The winners will be chosen during the closing ceremony at 2:15pm.   For each booth you will need to enter the code for that booth.  The code will be 1 letter and 1 number (example: J7).  The person in the booth will tell you the code for their booth. YOU MUST ATTEND ALL BOOTHS TO BE ENTERED INTO THE DRAWING.