Emerging Therapies Forum
This event helps patients and their families understand what current and potential medical advancements (including gene therapy) may mean for you. Information will be presented about hemophilia A, hemophilia B, VWD, and other rare bleeding disorders. Information will also be shared about current insurance barriers and trends, as well as a forum about the psychosocial and emotional implications of change.
We are already planning our 2021 Emerging Therapies Forum! We will announce new details when they are available. Stay tuned.
HFNC is hosted its first ever Virtual Emerging Therapies Forum in July 2020
- Patient panel with Patrick James Lynch, Believe Ltd., moderator Randy Curtis, MBA
- Understanding Gene Therapy in Spanish and English, presented by BioMarin
- Current clinical trials, Sacchi Suzuki, MPH, UCSF Hemophilia Treatment Center
- Cannabis for Pain Management with Heather Despres, M.Sc., Director of the Patient Focused Certification (PFC) program at Americans for Safe Access
- How to get Insurance Access to New Therapies - Michael Bradley, Hemophilia Council of California (HCC)
- And more!